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Game is good, I was lucky enough to grab it when it was free a couple days ago.  Really liked the intro :D

loved the game, my only problem with is there was no indication on where you needed to go.


good game!

Nice story lead up could have done with more on what was actually going on with the ritual itself... But yeah, the scotts family is weird!! 

Great Experience Overall! 


I Really like The Soundtrack for this Game but pls make the jumpscares a little more Louder so it's a tiny bit scarier😭🙏

(Game Is In The Video, Hopefully Y'all Enjoy and Like the Video😁👍)

It was an okay game. Not my favorite of the 3 but a good 2nd. I wish there was a bit more involved at the end than what we got. Good job still!

I really enjoyed this horror game good work!!


This game is ok, there some stuff that were easy to miss like the entrance to the underground, it did not look like it would open, and the code to the lock took a while to find as well. I enjoy this game and I rate it 4/5. 

Very good game enjoyed it but needs more jump scares :o


Great Game!

I love the retro psx style games, this was a fun one. Looking forward to more of your games!!

cool game

Good game, untung aja gak jadi dihantam ama orang tuanya, adeknya ngide banget lagi ama temen-temannya manggil mahluk gituan. 

i really enjoyed playing this game, thank you for you hard work <3

Comments below clip:

When you have a younger brother, you sure a hell have to take care of him, So, when he goes to a friend's party but doesn't return, you've got no option but to investigate. And what a mess you find. Dang it! Almost everybody's drunk or on drugs, naturally hindering your quest to find your kid brother. But you don't give up and keep digging and prodding, until you black out.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.

Very good short horror game. 

The game is very fun 10/10  

Realmente me gusta mucho la música que pones en tus juegos, sigue asi

Love this game and an easter egg i found in this video, 5/5!

J'ADORE. Mon type de jeu préféré, j'avais déjà beaucoup aimé Rented Nightmare et j'ai encore plus apprécié celui-là, trop hâte d'en voir davantage de ce développeur, bon travail! //

I LOVE IT. My favourite type of game, I already really liked Rented Nightmare and I enjoyed this one even more, I can't wait to see more from this developer, good job!

This was a fun time! Felt a little bit slower at the end but still a good experience overall!


Very fun game. I loved all the drunk people that were just scattered all around the house.

A bit frustrating at times but not too bad.

This wasn't too bad! I enjoyed it, I got scared. The ambience creeped me out, sounded like I was under water ahaha. Took me some time to figure out what to do next. This wasn't too bad, keep it up! 


Wow, I love this game! It was spooky, but funny at the same time! :D *AND* I get to drive!! 10/10, very kewl game

im dying 🤣🤣

im glad you enjoyed :)

great game

thank you!

great game ! 

It was a pretty fun game, but i missed some good jumpscares, overall a solid game! Thanks

It was a fun game but... spoiler alert ahead...


A few of (at least one) of the interactions in the backyard kind of threw off the vibe, a bit unrealistic, and the ending seemed like it needed a bit more thought, but it was a fun game none the less. 

Thanks for the free game.

I Nearly Lost It Playing This Game No Joke

This was an awesome game my dude! Fun little story with some great comedy in there, caseoh on the tv was legend. It was fun exploring the party, poor Bruno lost his gal haha. I enjoyed and recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everyone! :)

thank you :)


solid little game. finding the secret room took forever for me for some reason. i guess im dumb....

não achei muito interessante, achei que os sustos foram fracos e a história acabou muito cedo. Acho que se tivesse feito algo além da saída do porão, o jogo seria ótimo

bro not everyone understand this

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